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Update on the Kalas Situation

An update on the Harry Kalas scandal comes to us from Rob Brooks, the Phillies’ manager of broadcasting:  "Harry is going to be doing six innings on TV and Scott Graham is going to do six on radio. No other decision on our lineup has been finalized."  The Inky article by Marc Narducci made a surprisingly good case favoring Wheels over L.A. for the television job.  He claims although Andersen is funnier and more friendly with Kalas, Wheels is the better analyst.

He has tremendous recall for situations that have occurred in Phillies history. He is always pointing out defensive strategies. Nobody is more up-to-date on the game’s current events than Wheeler. It would be hard to find any announcer who comes to a game more prepared than Wheeler.

My impression of Chris Wheeler is certainly not that high.  I’ve met him on a few occasions, but one encounter stands out in particular.  I was waiting around in the Phillies office after a game one afternoon at the Vet.  The television there was tuned to a Braves game on TBS.  Wheels came in the office and stopped next to me to check the score.  He turned to me, said "Huh, 2-1," and then walked off.  I immediately looked up at the tv and saw that the score was in fact 3-0.  It was one of those moments in life where you begin to helplessly grasp for some explanation for what just happened.  I wasn’t sure if the guy was blind, confused or just trying to mess with my head.  So ever since that day, all three characteristics come to mind when I think of Wheels.

Brian Michael

Brian founded Phillies Nation in 2004. He is the owner of Shibe Vintage Sports retail store in Center City and teaches Economics of Sports at Temple University. Brian grew up in Northeast Philly and now resides in South Philly.

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