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D.C. Bus Trip Waiting List

We’ve received some emails of inquiry about the waiting list for the forth, and final, bus being added to the Phillies Nation Bus Trip to D.C. on May 16th. We are aware that there are existing problems with submitting any requests to add you and your party at this time. The problem should be fixed by tonight when we arrive back from an amazing week in Clearwater, Florida. Until then, you can submit your potential itinerary via email and I will personally add you to the list and you won’t have to resubmit any information . Below you can copy and paste the nessessary information fields into the text box of an email and send it to me. I can answer any additional questions you may have as well at that time.

Hope to see you on the trip!



Number of guests, including yourself:

Email Rob Cowie at You can expect a prompt confirmation and response email from me usually within 20 minutes.

R.C. Cowie

Found Phillies Nation on Facebook? Twitter? Atop Google searches? R.C. is the the reason. R.C. possess the versatile acumen needed to maintain Phillies Nation’s status as a top player in the Philadelphia social network scene. R.C is our top talent evaluator, bringing you all of the writers you’ve come to enjoy, all under one roof here at Phillies Nation. His other tasks include diligently planning and creating new and exciting ventures for Phillies Nation through its sponsors, Philly media and our fanbase. R.C. is a member of the Society of American Baseball Research, contributing historical and analytical analyses of baseball events both past and present. Born in Philly and raised on the mean streets of the Northeast, R.C. is a 2012 graduate of The Pennsylvania State University. Highlights his free time geeking out on Star Trek, analyzing the hiccuping of the past in the present and scouting out his next overseas adventure .

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