Tickets Exchange

Occasionally we at Phillies Nation receive requests asking to fix people up with others looking to share a season ticket plan or single game tickets. Therefore, I figured it might be a good idea to start a ticket swapping section of the site. I envision a spot where fans looking to share tickets in multi-game packages can find others with extra tickets. Although our legal counsel is still researching the laws surrounding scalping and whatnot, I’m making the claim now that we do not promote anything illegal, unlawful or otherwise unethical. The intention here is to create a fan ticket exchange, not another ticket broker.

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  • Call me @ 215-470-1894. I have 2 extra tickets to game #1 and they are much cheaper then you can buy on Stubhub. Call me ASAP.

  • call off the liars i mean lawyers ..scalping is legal now in pa. As a matter of fact its called free market which is what the United States commerce is based on , including the business you work for! the Phillies cut a deal with stuhub.they are the official re scalper i mean reseller of tickets ..Indorsed by the Phillies!!

  • p.s. why do you let the brokers advertise in the side colums of you site? do you receive monies indirectly for this? we do not promote anything illegal, unlawful or otherwise unethical???who are you kidding

  • the ticket ads on the right side are paid advertisements by ticket brokers. there is nothing illegal about that.

  • I'm looking to exchange tickets. I have two tickets to Friday night April 11 vs. the Cubs and can't make it. Section 203, Row 2. I want to exchange for another game. Call me at 215-534-4445.

  • Now that all the Scalpers somehow got the opportunity to purchase opening day tix and there are none left, does anyone have tickets available at a decent price for opening day.
    Feel free to contact me at

  • I am looking for 4 tickets for the 8/23/08 game vs. Dodgers. Looking for infield tickets or Arcade/Pavillion seats together.